Nativity 2024 Service Schedule

Dec. 19: Vespers for the Prefeast/St. Ignatius of Antioch 6:30pm
Dec. 20: Divine Liturgy for the Prefeast/St. Ignatius of Antioch 9:30am
Dec. 21: Vespers of the Sunday before the Nativity 5:00pm
Dec. 22: Matins for the Sunday before the Nativity 8:30am
Dec. 22: Divine Liturgy for the Sunday before the Nativity 9:30am
Dec. 23: Vespers for the Prefeast 6:30pm
Dec. 24: Royal Hours of the Nativity 9:30am
Dec. 24: Compline, Matins and Divine Liturgy for the Nativity 9:30pm (bring a basket to break the Fast after Liturgy)
Dec. 26: Divine Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Theotokos 9:30am

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